Obesity Clinic London
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Mr. Pratik Sufi - Bariatric Surgeon : 020 8901 0312 or 020 8901 5505
Mr. Pratik Sufi
Obesity Treatments

Intragastric Balloon

Intragastric Balloon is a non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical aid in the treatment of obesity. In conjunction with a supervised diet and behaviour modification program, it can help you achieve the health and aesthetic benefits associated with weight loss.

The instragastric balloon system consists of a soft, expandable balloon, the placement tube and a filling system so a physician can orally insert the weight loss aid.

Once inserted in the stomach, the empty balloon is filled with sterile saline. When full, the balloon is too large to pass into the bowel and will now float freely in the stomach.

Please contact our office to find out more about Intragastric Balloon.

Gastric Balloon

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